707: Putin’s official self-insurance policy @PaulR_Gregory, @HooverInst

Published: Nov. 13, 2020, 3:53 a.m.

Image:  Tsar reviewing Russian troops Putin’s official self-insurance policy @PaulR_Gregory, @HooverInst Paul Gregory: @PaulR_Gregory, @HooverInst, and TheHill; in re: “Vladimir Putin is mortal.”  Russian Federation anent the retirement of senior politicians: unusual perks.   2001 federal laws provide a very soft landing for Putin.  The passage of his immunity law is automatic; relates to succession to Yeltsin, which was worked out between the Yeltsin family and the FSB, provided Yeltsin and his family with immunity. Now, senator for life: if you’re in ether upper or lower House of parliament you have immunity—but Putin will have immunity for life “for service to the motherland.”  After the disastrous constitutional amendment, from which Putin is still recovering  . . .    Who will be the guarantor of this agreement? Putin will have to choose someone who’ll stay alive—probably the next president, perhaps with an intell background.  We have yet another rumor that Putin is in bad health (with Parkinson’s?). Medvedev has no intell history and is a lawyer; is not the successor.  https://thehill.com/opinion/international/525456-a-new-putin-worse-than-the-old-putin