706: Trump's long, long coat tails 2020. @ConradMBlack National Review Online

Published: Nov. 13, 2020, 3:34 a.m.

Image:  U.S. Presidential Elections. 1892-1904. Created by an act of Congress in 1879, the USGS is the sole science agency for the Department of the Interior. Conrad Black, @ConradMBlack (https://twitter.com/ConradMBlack) , publisher, littérateur, biographer, commentator; the National Post; in re:  For things to move, it’ll have to be the ballot-harvesting matter.  Georgia is 16 electoral votes. The court will examine; whatever is, is.  Trump is trailing by 5,000 out of millions; similar in Arizona. A Democratic Congressman thinks Putin is running the White House. All the false claims are falling away.  Trump’s policies have essentially been ratified; he wasn’t because of the unique campaign against him for four years by the large media and the Democratic party. That disgraceful arrangement with Iran to give them ten years to become a major military power.  The limo liberals who deluged Biden with money will not be supporting serious efforts to raise their taxes. Biden has about two years to accomplish anything— the 2022 elections—and has to get McConnell to go along with him. https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/11/how-trump-changed-the-gop-and-the-nation/?itm_campaign=headline-testing-how-trump-changed-the-gop-and-the-nation&itm_medium=headline&itm_source=nationalreview&itm_content=Trumpism%20Was%20Not%20Rejected%20 (https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/11/how-trump-changed-the-gop-and-the-nation/?itm_campaign=headline-testing-how-trump-changed-the-gop-and-the-nation&itm_medium=headline&itm_source=nationalreview&itm_content=Trumpism%20Was%20Not%20Rejected) —%20It%20Was%20Ratified&itm_term=Trumpism%20Was%20Not%20Rejected%20—%20It%20Was%20Ratified