674: Small business eager to get back to work. @genemarks @Guardian #SmallBusinessAmerica @Guardian

Published: Nov. 7, 2020, 3:29 a.m.

Image:  Marcus Miller and family in shack that he built himself. Spencer, Iowa. This is half the house. Miller is a hired hand who has managed to save enough to make a part payment on seven and a half acres of land. However, he is most anxious to get steady work or to operate a farm Gene Marks,  @genemarks @Guardian  #SmallBusinessAmerica @Guardian, Philadelphia Inquirer, and at TheHill; in re: Senator McConnell says his first priority is a stimulus deal.  Also good news: certain major initiatives Biden promoted, such a raising taxes, will not be possible  Biggest risk to small businesses is those whom Biden will appoint—Bernie Sanders as Labor Secretary, for example—could force through problematic policies. Biden said he’ll “listen to scientists” and perhaps close down small businesses.  Ouch.   Biden’s retirement plans: If you put money in your 401K, you get taxed on what remains—Biden wants to give you a tax credit, and this will most help middle-income workers.  The more a worker puts away for retirement, the more the employer can put away, too If Biden wins, small business owners are more likely to sell companies  https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/oct/17/if-biden-wins-small-business-owners-are-more-likel/ In Florida — and elsewhere — small-business owners hurt Biden https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/524498-in-florida-and-elsewhere-small-businesses-hurt-biden How Biden’s retirement plans could save small business workers https://www.theguardian.com/business/2020/oct/29/joe-biden-retirement-plan-small-business-workers Policy or personality? It's time for small business owners to decide https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/523159-policy-or-personality-its-time-for-small-business-owners-to-decide