671: If Biden wins: He’s amiable; he’s faced all four directions on almost any issue. @ConradMBlack

Published: Nov. 6, 2020, 3:20 a.m.

Image:  Corn blowing in the wind Conrad Black, @ConradMBlack (https://twitter.com/ConradMBlack) , publisher, littérateur, commentator; The Case for Trump; the National Post; in re:  The Unity Program of Bernie Sanders and adopted by Biden: far to the left of where American voters are.  The wild and wooly ultra-left Democratic program is not accepted, by the people or the Supreme Court. He’s faced all four directions on almost any issue.   Mr Biden defamed the president with talk of race.  He resorts to defamatory attacks when he thinks the political wind favors it.  All America’s allies prefer an American president who’s amiable and lets them pick the American pocket, at least a little bit. Standing up to China: Canada and the US both struggle with this; Biden will not stand up to China very much, but he’ll be careful of looking soft on China.