662: A good market day today, and “the guns stocks will make me rich.”@BrettArends; @Marketwatch

Published: Nov. 4, 2020, 3:29 a.m.

Image:  Election Scene, Savannah, Nov. 3, 1868. Brett Arends: @BrettArends; @Marketwatch ROI column; in re: A good market day; $3 trillion in stimulus  The guns stocks will make me rich.  This is not the country the polls described for us 24 hours ago.  Brexit:  the polls were off base: Brexit was 4 points behind in the polls, and yet won by 4 points. People lied to the pollsters.  People just said, I won’t admit, even on the phone to a stranger, that I’m pro-Brexit lest they think I’m racist or xenophobic. All I want is to leave the EU.  If Trump is re-elected, people will ask about the $3 trillion stimulus.