646: The late-in-the-day South Carolina decision to resurrect Biden for president; & What is to be done? @DanHenninger @WSJOpinion

Published: Oct. 31, 2020, 2:32 a.m.

Image:  Rural South Carolina near Manning  Dan Henninger: @DanHenninger, @WSJOpinion; editorial board and Wonder Land column; in re: Jim Clyburn, of South Carolina: decided that the moderate, centrist SC vote for Democrats ought to go for Biden.  Why?    Three major political events this year: virus (starting to be seen in February); riots (starting 25 May); and Rep Clyburn’s endorsement of Biden on 26 Feb.  Suddenly, Clyburn, et al., feared that Bernie Sanders might get the Dem nomination—a debacle for Dems, so they should focus on Biden. Biden’s campaign is built around “against Trump.” Since Sanders now is at peace with Biden, must mean that Biden has accepted Sanders’s program. The violence and looting weren’t at all random; it was an ideological movement.  Democrats have a dark vision of America.  Dems were searching for a moderate alternative.  The Sanders-Warren agenda by and large is outside the comfort zone of most Americans. Biden’s fragility has accelerated and become an issue in the campaign. Major google search:  “How do I change my vote?”  https://www.wsj.com/articles/amy-coney-barretts-christian-religiosity-11602714787?st=4kr5rigle7g95mp&reflink=article_copyURL_share