646: #PacificWatch: Union Square SF and Rodeo Drive LA plywood board up for Election Day anarchy. Jeff Bliss: @JCBliss

Published: Oct. 31, 2020, 2:34 a.m.

Image: 01/01/1906 Union Square and St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco, Cal #PacificWatch: Union Square SF and Rodeo Drive LA plywood board up for Election Day anarchy.  Jeff Bliss: @JCBliss Jeff Bliss: #PacificWatch, in re: Shopping at San Francisco’s Post Street, the high end, incl the St Francis Hotel, Cartier, Bloomingdale’s, Bulgari: boarded up.  Long has enjoyed rich shoppers, incl many Asian tourists.  Local authorities are preparing for post-election chaos and boarding everything up.   In LA, Rodeo Drive: plywood also in short supply and board up.  Beverly Hills: Mayor Garcetti is assuring people, “All is well.”  Why?  . . .  Disneyland laying off 28,000; also Universal. Both have begged governor not to shut them down, but governor ignores them.   A fire near Irvine, which was saved because they got airdrop and helos right away, and also a shorter Sta Ana wind period (from the east) than expected. Fire continues near Yorba Linda.  I don’t want to buy into a narrative that there’s going to be chaos during our election,” Garcetti said Wednesday. He said there is “no intelligence” suggesting any sort of plot to carry out violence or voter intimidation at L.A. polls, but the city is “very prepared” to protect voters who will be casting ballots.  Los Angeles Times (https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-10-29/mayor-lapd-chief-say-l-a-is-ready-for-election-angelenos-are-safe-voting?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+lanowblog+%28L.A.+Now%29)