253: The Obama Administration Unmaskings and the Revealed DOJ Investigation. @AndrewCMcCarthy; & Thaddeus McCotter, American Greatness.

Published: July 29, 2020, 3:46 a.m.

Image:  Roman-era mosaic from Antioch depicting a plethora of devices against the evil eye. Andrew C McCarthy, Ball of Collusion, @AndrewCMcCarthy; and Thaddeus McCotter, American Greatness, in re: On the Hill today: “unmasking,” the topic of a second investigation. Testimony: broader in scope and perhaps going back further in time. Serious and very irregular conduct. Unmasking is the revelation of identities of US persons when they were incidentally [caught] in surveillance.  Legal to unmask if it's deemed to be necessary in intelligence collection. Must never be done on a mass scale, which it was here.  The Obama Administration Unmaskings and the Revealed DOJ Investigation.    https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/jul/28/ag-william-barr-says-hes-appointed-another-us-atto/