220: Is America learning to normalize the virus? @LizPeek

Published: July 22, 2020, 3:09 a.m.

Image:   At the time of the 1918 influenza, Massachusetts was drained of physicians and nurses due to military calls. Here: a 1918 photograph.   Elizabeth Peek, TheHill and Fox News; in re:  Virus hotspots in California and Arizona, some of the alarming elements—stress on ICUs and hospitals—aren't an issue except in Arizona.  Vulnerable people remain so. Young people who catch the disease are treated and don't die.  I feel as though the country is becoming used to having this virus in its midst.  Many wear masks. When cases began to increase again a few weeks ago, people went about their business. Not having as much of an impact on the economy as was predicted. It’d be exciting to lift the payroll tax.  @LizPeek   https://www.foxnews.com/us/los-angeles-second-stay-at-home-order-coronavirus