219: Weeks till the school year without a plan for New York City’s 1.1 million students and their families. @harrysiegel,

Published: July 22, 2020, 2:22 a.m.

Image: The  First Boston Latin School (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Latin_School) House Harry Siegel, Daily Beast and New York Daily News, in re: Schools reopening? Hundreds of thousands of parents are invited to return to work—how to do that and home-school at the same time? The current in-between condition is deeply confusing. Over a million children. School some days and not others??  School is to start in fifty days. So far, it's a failure for the younger grades; small children not prepared to sit at a computer all day. This’ll get weirder.   https://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/ny-oped-what-we-still-havent-learned-20200719-eswb3vvsvzhrpj6nxw52jqsyru-story.html\