197: Are the Democrats climbing the steps to Dr. Guillotine? @VDHanson @HooverInst

Published: July 17, 2020, 2:07 a.m.

Image:  17th-century engraving of a guillotine. Victor Davis Hanson, Hoover 7 National Review, in re: Peak Jacobinism. Peak me-tooism with Brett Kavanaugh. Denunciations of the 153 Harper’s signatories.  We learn from the letter: careerism; the Internet mob;  effort to take out a well-known person and thereby elevate their own status.  Let homeless take over parks, defund police, crash statues; shut down 911. A demand letter directed at Princeton University:  wanted a faculty-student committee of public safety, unaccountable to anyone. The administration caved in and didn't even object. Also: review hiring, firing, language, lecture.  It's not even class-driven; it’s race-driven. Demand race quotas, theme houses, safe spaces, rec centers, all based on race.  Forget Dr Martin Luther King. Why aren’t the adults in charge pushing back? One: hatred of Donald Trump, so this movement creates chaos and anarchy against Trump; two, these people have cushy jobs, will do anything to prevent people coming to my home and screaming at me.  Cowardly.  https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/07/peak-jacobinism/