191: Navarro vs Fauci lands TV time. @ChristianWhiton

Published: July 16, 2020, 3:17 a.m.

Image:  Bureaucrats: A Ch`ing photograph of a government official, with Mandarin Square in the front.  Public domain.   Christian Whiton, Center for the National interest, in re: A flap ’twixt Peter Navarro and Anthony Fauci.  Navarro writes of Fauci’s many errors [of judgment and fact].  Why did he publish it in USA Today now?   He was wrong about hydroxychloroquine, assessment of the pandemic early on, the threat from China, ventilators –Multiple critical matters.  Probably because Fauci is out and talking again, this time calling for flattening the economy.  Fauci being obviously anti-Trump; a bureaucrat for forty years, now being held to account for the first time; he’s had a huge negative effect on the US economy and public health.  He certainly doesn't like the spotlight here.  Just fire the guy.  https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/todaysdebate/2020/07/14/anthony-fauci-wrong-with-me-peter-navarro-editorials-debates/5439374002/ https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/507593-fauci-says-relationship-with-trump-is-good-but-would-step-down-from-task [Note: Early on, Fauci scorned masks, said they were of no use.  As late as March, said, “Go on a cruise; no problem!” A stream of amazing inaccuracy.]