1255: What is the risk in the Red Sea? Gregory R Copley, Defense and Foreign Affairs

Published: March 3, 2021, 3:41 a.m.

Image:  Abyssinian warriors going to the northern front during the Second Italo-Ethiopian War   Gregory R Copley: Defense and Foreign Affairs; Gregory R Copley, The New Total War of the Twenty-first Century and the Trigger of the Fear Pandemic, in re:  Blinken has just condemned Ethiopia. His information comes from sources hostile to Ethiopia.  Blinken wants to get back in a dominant position vis-a-vs Egypt—which the Egyptians openly refuse. As Blinken tries to curry favor with Egypt, he’ll also lose any favorable views from the Red Sea area. Right now, the US is taking sides with Egypt, ignoring relations with Israel, Jordan, Saudis, Ethiopia—failing to concentrate  on perhaps the most critical sea lane in the world: on the Red Sea.   Israel would like to support Eritrea and Ethiopia to stabilize the region; Egypt thinks it has to divide and conquer. It’d be nice to think that Blinken and the administration had a coherent view, but in fact they’re years out of date.  Blinken and State are missing the boat in what constitutes a comprehensive regional view. In fact, you can regain prestige and influence without taking sides excessively.  Biden wants to appeal to the Iranian clerics to help; not a fruitful path.   Blinken is blaming Ethiopia for crimes.  He sees Egypt as the big prize; but Sisi will not be a pawn of US, Russia or Europe. Ethiopia needs to strengthen ties with Saudis and Israel, and go on the intl [PR] offensive. If it fails to, it’ll suffer enormously for years. https://www.msn.com/en-ph/news/world/eritrea-killed-hundreds-in-ethiopia-ai/ar-BB1e3m08