1246: The Hong Kong hero Jimmy Lai condemned to jail forever by the PRC. @Michael_Yon, war correspondent; and Gordon Chang, @GordonGChang

Published: March 2, 2021, 2:47 a.m.

Image: The KOWLOON ESTATE, HURLEY (1897)   Michael Yon: @Michael_Yon, war correspondent; and Gordon Chang, @GordonGChang, Daily Beast, in re: For decades, Jimmy Lai has resisted Beijing; he founded the main pro-democracy newspaper in Hong Kong—is an inspiration, which is what Beijing fears the most. He stayed in Hong Kong and fought with words. Chinese Communist Party is sweeping away all semblance of a rule of law and anything related to democracy or liberty. CCP claims that Jimmy Lai was connected to the flight of the young people months ago. Original charges were flimsy. Communists don’t care abut individuals, but do care about the system.  The only way he’ll ever see the light of day is if the US and other nations press Beijing really hard to release him. “Make it painful for CCP to put innocent people in prison.”  Would boycott the Olympics n China do any good?  They said they’d respond harshly—Beijing is upset because it goes to the core of China’s legitimacy will work hard to prevent any talk of boycott.  Britain is quite concerned; other countries are beginning to think how to pressure China.   Jimmy Lai is in a similar place to where Nelson Mandela was, although Nelson was more central to the movement (“by a smidgeon”).  Is the White House paying attention? Don't know, but CCP scooped up dozens of pro-democracy citizens several days ago and is holding them.  https://finance.yahoo.com/news/1-hong-kong-tycoon-jimmy-092433041.html