1219: The Dried Blood Red Surface of Mars. #HotelMars. David Livingston, @SpaceShow.

Published: Feb. 25, 2021, 2:37 a.m.

Image: Mars topo map; rotating at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars#/media/File:Mars-topo-200-fast.gif   Hotel Mars, episode n. #HotelMars. David Livingston, @SpaceShow. In re: Perseverance entered Mars at about 1,000 mph, then deployed a parachute having pretty designs in red and white; had a hidden msg in binary code:  Dare Mighty Things    Three concentric circles; center: Dare;middle: Mighty;  external: Things. Many spectacular cameras on Perseverance. Vistas of rolling cliffs and rocks. It's amazing to see; like looking out your own home picture window.  Other pix of smaller areas.  You can actually hear winds on Mars, a constant low roar.   Another landing picture, looks like paver stones.  I’ve heard only ten-second clips so far. Perseverance as a roving television station. Everyone is really excited and thrilled with what JPL accomplished. Congratulations to NASA!  Cancel SLS. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/perseverance-rover-snaps-gorgeous-hd-panorama-of-mars-landing-site/ar-BB1dZcGg