1167: Italy starts to pull through a rough patch with the virus. Lorenzo Fiori

Published: Feb. 16, 2021, 2:46 a.m.

Image:  Bucolic scene in winter with a pack donkey.   Lorenzo Fiori: Direttore Generale Ansaldo Fondazione ; in re: The virus numbers are diminishing in Italy.   The British variant, highly contagious has been spreading in different regions in Italy, a source of real concern. The normal winter tourist business in the Italian Alps is ’way down and disappointing, but March 5 is the date that the most recent degree expires; awaiting to know the degree of freedom to be allowed. Yellow, orange, red. Mario Draghi has managed to assemble a coalition when no one else could.  Was “SuperMario” as a central banker.  We’re very enthusiastic to have him as PM, to manage the recovery plan. Before him, have needed speed of action.  We expect recovery by the second half of 2021, same as in the US.