1143: 1/2: Getting Caught Trying the Unlikely; & What is to be done? @RHFontaine. @CNASdc

Published: Feb. 12, 2021, 6:02 a.m.

Image:  The Eccentric March    Richard Fontaine, @RHFontaine; CEO of the Center for a New American Security, @CNASdc, in re: The Case against Foreign Policy Solutionism.  Biden Adm ambitions; and back through half a dozen previous.  “Getting caught trying: the notion that there are hard troubles afoot in the world; may not reach a full solution, but better to get caught trying.”  NOT. Plunging into something unsolvable can make things much worse. Some people advocated solving the Cold War with roll-back: roll back the Communist presence in Eastern Europe; or let’s just acquiesce.  Wiser heads demanded managing it till it went away; took seventy years, but did. The Abraham Accords made some real and genuine progress.  Does “caught trying” in Washington mean you have to go big?  For a Nobel Prize, have to. Each new administration blames the worst on the previous administration.   Pres Obama said that Afghanistan was the smarter war; Iraq was the lesser.  Now Afghanistan is [fearful]; in Iraq, ISIS took over and now still is very much alive, having metastasized.   https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/united-states/2021-02-08/case-against-foreign-policy-solutionism?utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tw_daily_soc&utm_source=twitter_posts