1142: America rides to the rescue. SalenaZito, @DCExaminer @RealClearPolitics

Published: Feb. 12, 2021, 5:46 a.m.

Image:  Allegory of Charity (Generosity, Bounty)   Salena Zito, @SalenaZito,@DCExaminer @RealClearPolitics; New York Post, CNN; Middle of Somewhere column; in re:Woman loses iPhone on a snowy trail while hiking; it grows dark and a great storm is coming. She drives home for four hours, finds it with her iPad. Posts the location on Facebook; a fellow sees this, drives forty minutes, hikes up the snowy trail, finds it.       Teachers union says schools in Pittsburgh will stay closed till there’s no more Wuhan flu.  https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/a-lost-iphone-and-a-small-act-of-kindness-and-courage