1106: Russia pushes the bayonet until it meets steel. @SebGorka #AmericaFirst

Published: Feb. 5, 2021, 3:45 a.m.

Image:  Bayonet practice at a U.S. Army training camp   Sebastian Gorka, @SebGorka, America First radio, in re:  Alexei Navalny has a vision for all of Russia; the Kremlin tried to kill him with Novichok, but he was taken to Germany and survived; returned to Russia and immediately was jailed.  Biden administration has said that this republic must be dismantled; that only multilateralism is acceptable.  This is laughed at by tyrants.  Seeing the world as you’d like it to be, not as it is, Putin will push the bayonet as far in as he can till he feels resistance. With this administration, it will be deep, deep into our gut before he feels resistance.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-russia-politics-navalny-protests-paus/ally-of-jailed-kremlin-critic-navalny-calls-off-protests-for-now-idUSKBN2A42ND