1105: Biden leads the hard left turn. @VDHanson @HooverInst

Published: Feb. 5, 2021, 2:51 a.m.

Image:  "The Parting of the Ways", a cartoon from the May 1919 Industrial Workers of the World periodical One Big Union which shows a worker representing the working class choosing between a path of craft unionism towards the AFL slogan "A Fair Day's Pay for a Fair Day's Work" and a path of industrial unionism towards the IWW slogan "Abolition of the Wage System"   Victor Davis Hanson: @VDHanson; Hoover Institution, and The Case for Trump,in re:     The thought was that Biden was an emissary of he left, give it a respectable veneer, then bow out to Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.  But that’s not what’s happening.  He’s got two years to get the hardest-left agenda since [FDR?], and on his way. What's the rationale for stopping the Keystone XL pipeline?  It’ll be shipped truck, and sent by train all over the globe. Hi many execute decrees will alienate people all over, but not enough to cripple his action. He has academe, sports, media. Hollywood, a lot of Wall Street, on his side.  Staggering amounts of money into Democratic campaigns up and down the ballot. He doesn’t want to lose the midterm, but isn’t much concerned. He wants to be a folk hero among his supporters.   The southern border:  nothing will satisfy the left but equating citizenship with residency: no distinction; anyone in this country has all the rights of a citizen.   Now, as people move across the border, letting in caravans will be so contrived, because we have a wall and forces, but Biden has forbidden us to use either.