1098: #ClassicKenCroswell: Was our planet born in a right-sized magnetic field? Ken Croswell @ScienceMagazine

Published: Feb. 4, 2021, 2 a.m.

Photo:2006 With giant Saturn hanging in the blackness and sheltering Cassini from the sun blinding glare, the spacecraft viewed the rings as never before, revealing previously unknown faint rings and even glimpsing its home world. NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute #ClassicKenCroswell: Was our planet born in a right-sized magnetic field? Ken Croswell @ScienceMagazine "Was the ancient magnetic field just the right strength to mold the sun's protoplanetary disk into a solar system containing a world of the right size at the right orbital distance to develop life? http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2014/11/first-measurement-ancient-solar-systems-magnetic-field