1055: Scotland's beleaguered Nicola Sturgeon warns PM Boris Johnson to stay away. Simon Constable: @RealConstable

Published: Jan. 27, 2021, 2:30 a.m.

Image:  Cover from "Picturesque Scotland, its romantic scenes and historical associations, described in lay and legend, song and story . . .  Illustrated, etc."   Simon Constable: @RealConstable; Barron’s; in re: “Could Nicola Sturgeon try to ban Boris Johnson from visiting Scotland?”  The vaccine isn't being distributed quickly enough; this is extremely slow.   The lockdown this time is really harsh. The end-date keeps being revised.  All this adds up to public displeasure; also, Alex Salmon was accused of misdeeds and Sturgeon was said not to have responded correctly. Ergo, Sturgeon came up with a border closure to deflect attention. Poulati0n is frustrated and annoyed at being locked in.  . . . The army could distribute vaccines very well, but the pols decline to allow that. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9184183/Boris-Johnson-slams-Nicola-Sturgeon-focusing-new-independence-vote-instead-coronavirus.html