1034: Biden committed to continuing, smooth relations with Israel and the Arab states. Malcolm Hoenlein, @conf_of_pres,

Published: Jan. 22, 2021, 5:08 a.m.

Image:  Jerusalem (al-Kouds). Jerusalem from the southwest / American Colony, Jerusalem   Malcolm Hoenlein, @conf_of_pres, Conference of Presidents, in re: Tony Blinken testifying before Congress: we learned a lot about the US being a long way from rejoining the JCPOA, and recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Also, the two-state solution, concern about prospects; denied that Israel is a racist nation. Enduring commitment to Israel’s security.  “Realistically.”  Will engage with Israel and the Gulf allies:  “on the take-off, not just the landing.” Rouhani today said, “Trump is dead and the Iran deal is still alive.” Iran wants the deal back, with no conditions, to get rid of the economic sanctions—defensive and covers for reality. Fordow and the heavy-water plant and Natanz.   France says it wants the US to take stronger positions against Islamic extremism—with Iran being the center of that. My mother’s people are always in the bazaar, always looking for a deal.  Iran needs to see that it's not in the catbird seat. Iran is occupying fortresses in Syria. A five-way chess game.  Russia wants to reduce Iran’s role. Israel wants Hezbollah and the militias out. Too much smoke [to see the fire]. Dahlan, a former Palestinian leader who moved to Jordan then the UE out of fear of Abbas assassinating him, accuses Abbas of stealing $2 million. Others’:  “Abbas’s mafia conduct.”  Today is the anniversary when the daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella  --  demand by Spain that Jews be expelled by Portugal, but they were converted pro forma as Christians, then for centuries were Marranos, secret Jews.