1034: Anti-Semitism and the Millennials. @RitchieTorres

Published: Jan. 22, 2021, 5:02 a.m.

Image:  President Jimmy Carter (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Carter) in the South Bronx, 1977.   Ritchie Torres, @RitchieTorres, Congressman, New York's 15th congressional district (South Bronx) , and Malcolm Hoenlein, @conf_of_pres, Conference of Presidents, in re:Anti-Semitism, BDS, objectives in office. “Ritchie has been a heroic figure”   He’s a pro-Israel progressive We all have the obligation to condemn anti-Semitism, esp anti-Zionism..  First, defend Israel’s right to defend itself, and the Israeli-US alliance, and fight anti-Semitism in all its forms. I’m concerned that there are hard-left Americans comparable to Jeremy Corbyn in the US . . . In public, I finds a fear of the pro-BDS crew.  There’s a clear pattern of singling out Israel for condemnation, in the UN, on college campuses, in travel bans, I explain to audience that these are an insidious for of  anti-Semitism.  I’ve been appointed to Financial Services and Homeland Security committees. I worry that Millennials and Gen Z are being radicalized against Israel. DSOC/Democratic Socialists of America opposed you in your election; they’re a powerful force. Membership is now around 50,000; I was the sole survivor of its bloodbath. They’re now aiming at the New York City Council.   A member of the Democratic Party, Ritchie Torres is the U.S. Representative for New York's 15th congressional district. Previously, Torres served as the New York City Councilmember for the 15th district elected in 2013. Torres was the first openly gay candidate to be elected to legislative office in the Bronx, and the youngest member of the city council. He served as the chair of the Committee on Public Housing, and was a deputy majority leader. https://jewishinsider.com/2019/12/ritchie-torres-i-am-the-embodiment-of-a-pro-israel-progressive/ https://jewishjournal.com/featured/320922/nyc-city-councilmember-denounces-bds-as-anti-semitic-at-its-core/ https://jewishinsider.com/2020/06/how-ritchie-torres-built-a-fan-base-in-the-jewish-community/ https://jewishinsider.com/2021/01/ritchie-torres-llp-podcast/