1021: The 2020 effort to cut off free speech destroys US prestige. Gregory R Copley: Defense and Foreign Affairs

Published: Jan. 20, 2021, 3:21 a.m.

Image:  Book burning in Chile (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_burnings_in_Chile) following the 1973 coup (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1973_Chilean_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat) that installed the Pinochet regime (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_government_of_Chile_(1973%E2%80%931990)) .   Gregory R Copley: Defense and Foreign Affairs; Gregory R Copley, The New Total War of the Twenty-first Century and the Trigger of the Fear Pandemic, in re:Xi Jinping, president for life of China, total state control vs prosperity and innovation—yet he’s applied both. China is a military dictatorship and an economic power. The US may never recover the power that Trump was creating and [aiming for]. Since Reagan, the US has progressively been moving down the scale of global prestige;  in a sense, it became doctrinaire, was telling others what to do. In 2020, a manic effort to limit free speech.  Absent prestige, a nation has no power.  Elimination of free speech, debate, logic and erudition, or global comprehension.  The euro today has no backing by sovereign nations.   China is not only economically disintegrating; it doesn’t have enough money to sustain itself, is proportionately the biggest importer of food since Rome; hasn’t enough water to serve the big cities.  Its medium-term solution is to reduce the population (down to about a billion people). It will become extremely aggressive under the CCP: the party can survive only if it cracks down on the populations and takes massive risks in international affairs.