Furness H2 - Oregon State hotel story overblown / Tyler Lockett gets extension / M's outfielder Taylor Trammell / Texts / Softy on Gonzaga

Published: March 31, 2021, 10:17 p.m.

A lot was made of the story about Oregon State being sent home abruptly after losing on Monday, but in the COVID era, that's how things are done. There was no longer a reason for them to be in the bubble and they knew that. Tyler Lockett gets a four-year $69 million extension, with a little more than half of that guaranteed. Tomorrow, we'll see Taylor Trammell take the outfield for the M's for the first time. He joins us to share his story. Texts react to the show at 49451. Softy makes his case against rooting for a second college basketball team as he gets ready for the real fireworks to begin with Dick Fain right after this show ends.