Furness H2 - D.J. Reed on his successes in Seattle / Social media and bad fan behavior / Why some root against the USWNT / Engineer Softy

Published: Aug. 2, 2021, 10:59 p.m.

Despite not being the prototypical Seahawks quarterback, D.J. Reed has done well in the Seattle defense. Ian catches up with him to find out why he's had so much success here, and what motivates him on the field. After yesterday's loss, Erik Swanson says both he and his wife received death threats on social media. We need to put a stop to this behavior once and for all. Let's look beyond blaming the platforms themselves and focus on the disgusting human beings that think this type of behavior is acceptable. The US Women's Soccer Team didn't have the best of weekend's, and Ian noticed that a sizable chunk of Americans seemed to be rooting against them. Texters explain why they're rooting against their own country's Olympic athletes. Softy may be ready to leave his life as a sports talk show host to become an engineer. He explains during cross talk.