Why The 2020 Race May Be All About Enthusiasm

Published: Aug. 13, 2020, 9 a.m.

Former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) made their debut together on Wednesday in Wilmington, Delaware following Biden's announcement that the California Senator will be his running mate for the 2020 election. President Obama's former State Department spokesperson Marie Harf and former White House speechwriter Marc Thiessen weigh in on the historic Vice President pick and how it will impact the 2020 race against President Trump. As the Trump Administration makes deals to buy more doses of the coronavirus vaccine, if it is proven to be effective, a vaccine has already been declared safe by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Many skeptics have questioned the safety and effectiveness of the Russian vaccine since they skipped several testing phases. Fox News Medical Contributor Dr. Marty Makary discusses concerns about Russia's vaccine and weighs in on schools reopening, fall sports starting up and how a patients' vaping history can impact their susceptibility to the virus. Plus, commentary by Cal Thomas, syndicated columnist and author of "America's Expiration Date."