Make or Break? Democrat Candidates Struggle To Stand Out As Iowa Caucus Nears

Published: Dec. 3, 2019, 10 a.m.

The first stop on the road to the White House is Iowa and the caucuses there are just two months away. Democratic presidential candidates are battling to claim the top spot in the state. Democratic political analyst Mary Anne Marsh discusses the importance of an Iowa victory and which candidates need to get that win. A new surge of sexual abuse cases have emerged against clergy members in the Catholic Church. This following new adjustments passed by 15 states that extends or suspends the statute-of limitations laws, which allows victims to file claims going back decades. Legal analysts believe payouts could top $4 billion and cause the bankruptcies of dioceses all over the country. Fox News Contributor and former priest Jonathan Morris and attorney Paul Mones, who represents victims of child sexual abuse weigh in on the case and what this will mean for the Catholic Church moving forward. Plus, commentary by Founder and President of Turning Point USA, and Fox News Contributor Charlie Kirk.