The 1% Solution

Published: Jan. 18, 2021, 2:39 a.m.

You can improve your life, achieve all of your goals and your dreams if you stop pushing so hard!  Sounds counter-intuitive, doesn't it?  To achieve your goals, try less?  No of course not!!  Put in the effort at 100%, but work on the 1%.  By accomplishing a one percent change in your life every day, you'll experience 100% in only three months (give or take a few days).  The one percent solution is broken down into two parts:  1. Taking baby steps to achieve a goal, 1% at a time, and 2. Changing your life 1% a day to live your best life.  Listen to today's podcast for examples and how to keep changing your life for the better. When we try to achieve a goal, we often go as hard and fast as we can at the beginning, then lose hope when the results don't show up overnight. Instead, focus on accomplishing one percent of your goal each day.  That way you gradually build upon the previous day's accomplishment and develop a routine and since you're actually accomplishing something every day, you will be even more motivated to keep going. The same goes for improving your life one percent at a time.  Make a list of all of the things which are annoyances in your life, or you feel aren't a positive influence on your day in day out.  Then, every day, make it a goal to eliminate just one single annoyance.  You'll find every day, you'll be increasingly happy. Enjoy and don't forget to Subscribe and sign up for our newsletter.   Music credited to @Ikson