How To Cleanse Bad Energy Before It’s Too Late

Published: July 19, 2019, 3:31 a.m.

So it happened again didn’t it?  Despite all of the lessons you’ve learned, hundreds of hours of YouTube videos, Podcasts, and self-help books, you still let someone through your front door that sucked the life out of you and now that that person has found your magical teat to suckle off of, you can’t get rid of them. You’re left drained, your eyes feel heavy, and you need to do a reset to get your energy back. If you don’t properly recharge or cleanse, you’ll end up becoming what you hate by being a jerk to your loved ones in an attempt to steal their energy to replenish your own.  It becomes this vicious cycle - someone has taken your energy and now you’re subconsciously trying to take someone else’s.  No wonder people like lawyers end up getting divorced so much - they probably do emotional drive by’s on their spouses on a daily basis.  if you wonder why you need so much alone time, then this is why - because you are trying to protect yourself from further emotional turbulence and you need this time to heal. In any event I want to use this episode to talk about ways in which to recharge your batteries and reset your mood and essentially cleanse the toxic energies that you have absorbed.  What will be different though, is that as the modern-day hippy that I am, I don't really believe in all of these gem-Stones that you have to rub all over your balls.  I also don't believe in planets aligning in order to dictate your life such as I don’t think you have to wait for Mercury to be in line with your anus before you can help yourself.  I also don't think you need to risk burning your house down by burning incense and sage thereby setting off the fire alarms sprinklers and making things smell funky for your neighbors - something especially true if you live in an apartment complex.  The reason I do not believe in all those things is because those are all externalities and I truly do not believe that you need external material objects in order to heal yourself. Because once you start relying on these external things then what happens when you don't have access to them? For example I live in Los Angeles and I'm pretty sure if I go to Trader Joe's or Ralph's or Walmart I can't just find Sage so I can burn it.  Does this mean I have to run around town looking for sage or perhaps some sort of particular Quartz stone before I can begin the healing?  And what if there is a worldwide shortage of Sage - does this mean I can’t heal myself?   Nope, of course not.  The power to heal and cleanse oneself is within our self. So here are some ways that I have found effective to help myself recharge my batteries.  Hopefully you find some use in them.   1.  Make sure to give yourself some alone time everyday especially on a day when someone has taken your energy from you. If you live with a roommate or you live with your parents or are married or whatever, then you may not have your own little cave to spend some time outside of the house where you can be alone. Especially in a big city like Los Angeles, it can sometimes be difficult because no matter where you go there are people around. But despite the crowds and big cities there are usually some places you can go to find some space.  A good place to do this might be a city park where you can sit on a bench and have at least a little bit of room with no one that knows you around.   Another place to get some alone time could be a public library.  While people may be there, at least they’re quietly doing their own thing which creates a very pleasant and healing environment.  I always love the smell of libraries. While it is important for you to be alone, I think it's even more important that you're at least away from people that you know including friends and family.  At least when you're alone in a park or library then you're not around people that can try to use you as a conduit for them to use you to dump their dark energy.  The more you can put yourself in an anonymous place,...