The System is Rigged

Published: March 12, 2021, 1 p.m.


Bold statement? Probably not. I think we all recognize that the system is rigged against the individual and geared towards corporate dominance in conjunction with political influence to mold society into an image that works best for their dominance and self interest.


And even when it looks like David has a shot against Goliath like during the short squeeze put on Wall Street from a small number of Reddit users, we quickly get smacked back to reality finding that even with power in numbers, its not enough for a society that is controlled by Government and Corporations working hand in hand.


Robinhood claimed that it was for the little guy but it was made abundantly clear that they were being controlled by their real customer, the powers that be with the hedge funds who they sell information to. Thus stopping the short squeeze dead in its track and causing the average retail trader to lose big while hedge funds walked away with hundreds of millions of dollars.


Can things change when the same people setting policy are collecting a check from those that are manipulating the system? Get yourself out of the struggle state on this week\'s episode of Pure Speculation.


Hosts Zack Hayes and Phil Hayes break it all down in this week\'s episode of Pure Speculation. Follow us on Twitter @strugglestate


