The Real Divide in America

Published: Nov. 2, 2020, 1 p.m.


As you head to the polls to cast your ballot (or maybe you already sent that ballot in weeks ago), it can feel like Americans are divided on every topic. Its either Right or Left, Republican or Democrat with no middle ground. In this week\'s episode of Pure Speculation, we\'ll break down this article from the New York Times that points out that we might not be as divided as we think we are. There might still be hope after all...


We\'ll be back in your feed in two days on Wednesday for our reaction to the results of the 2020 Election. Here at, we don\'t care who you vote for, just as long as you do!


Hosts Zack Hayes and Phil Hayes break it all down in this week\'s episode of Pure Speculation. Follow us on Twitter @strugglestate


