Its The Worst Lie

Published: Nov. 7, 2023, noon

b'\\u201cI do it all for them,\\u201d we say. We tell ourselves that\\u2019s why we\\u2019re getting on the plane, that\\u2019s why we\\u2019re spending another long night at the office, why we\\u2019re taking that big risk, why we\\u2019re starting that next venture.It\\u2019s for them, we\\u2019re doing it all for our family\\u2026those people we rarely see.It\\u2019s a good motivation to be sure, and it\\u2019s also a very flattering one. It\\u2019s ironically, a rather self-serving one too. Because by dressing our actions up in selflessness, we don\\u2019t actually end up thinki...'