Let's Play Calling Out Liberal Idiocy

Published: Aug. 21, 2019, 1:08 a.m.

The Caramel Conservative Podcast is a no holds barred, no B.S. take on the current events and politics in the United States with a great mixture of sarcasm and humor from a very right of center perspective tempered with common sense. In other words, it's "Real Talk By Real People".

The Caramel Conservative Podcast airs LIVE every Tuesday night at 8:00 pm CST where we talk about the latest current events with myself, Just Jen, and some unexpected guests. Your calls are always welcome at 920-376-9400 during the show.

TONIGHT!!! AUGUST 13, 2019

Once again another EPISONIC Adventure with The Caramel Conservative Podcast! With so many stories in the media, looking to suck the air out of the room each day we only pick the best!

Peter Fonda

I have always been amazed when a celebrity dies, people talk about how “iconic” they were, the roles, and how they will be missed. But let’s face it some of these celebrities are P.O.S.’s. One such person is Peter Fonda and we’ll be talk about him tonight.


It may come as a surprise to some that knives involved in more acts of violence than guns. Do we start talking about banning knives? Of course. Recently, a wacked out person decided he wanted to kill children in an elementary school because the school itself was “too patriotic”. There so much to go over here.

A Threat To The Supreme Court

Anyone that has taken basic high school history should be familiar with FDR’s Court Packing Scheme. Well, apparently Democrats like to recycle their wishes. We’ll break this down and tell you why no good can come from this.

Other topics include some Facebook post breakdowns, another bloody weekend in Chicago, the Milwaukee Public Bus System, Mexico, Non-Binary Dating, and hopefully much, much more! ALL of this tonight and your calls and LIVE chat and more!!!

LIVE CALL IN NUMBER: 920-376-9400
So Check Us Out & Share With A Friend!

We Say The Things Other People Are Only Thinking


#maga #americafirst #conservative #conservativetalk #impeach45 #influencer #veterans #straightpride #buildthewall #LGBTQ #2A #ConservativesOfColor
#republic #SupremeCourt #Freedom #KeepAmericaGreat #share #america #americanexceptionalism #patriot #ColdCivilWar #CallToAction #Lexit #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #WiRight #MolonLabe #Trump #socialismsucks #Portland #AntiFa