Let's Just Pay People To Stay Home

Published: Nov. 20, 2020, 4:17 p.m.

Let’s Just Pay People To Stay Home
November 19th, 2020

We’ve heard calls for some time now about a so-called Universal Basic Income (UBI) but in the age of Covid-19 many on the Left are pushing to pay people to lockdown in their homes. What could possibly go wrong with that?

Let’s Break It Down…

Article: “Ocasio-Cortez on Controlling Covid-19: ‘We Need To Pay People To Stay Home’”

S.T.S. or Shooting The S*** is the short form video format breaking down topics in 20 to 30 minutes segments. The context is available on all social media platforms and on the S.T.S. Podcast. S.T.S. is a PG-13 show that is a no holds barred, no B.S. take on current events and politics in the United States with a great mixture of sarcasm and humor from a very right of center perspective tempered with common sense.

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