Commonality... Where Is It?

Published: July 29, 2020, 1:10 a.m.

Commonality… Where is it?
July 28th, 2020

Tonight on The Caramel Conservative:

Your Political Views

Unless you’re like me, most people don’t share their political views. A recent study showed a majority of Americans don’t out of fear of backlash. This is a problem.

Bernell Trammell

A Milwaukee man who happens to be a business owner and a black Trump supporter was shot and killed last Thursday. Why? Over his politics? Is this going to be more of the norm?

Continuity of Government… By Any Means

The Dems are hellbent on retaking power. To what extent are they willing to go? Pelosi has made some comments and a nonpartisan group takes a look how this could play out.

And More...

So many more topics to go over including: Wall of SIMP’s, Killing Whitey, Stimulous, Forced Urban Sprall, HCQ, Racist Grammar, and of course your calls!!!

All of this and more tonight on this LIVE episode of The Caramel Conservative Podcast! Interactive Chat Room will be up and running and with any luck so will the LIVE Call In Number at 920-376-9400 & 920-234-6350. We want to hear from you and get your take on what’s going on.