
Published: Dec. 23, 2020, 2:03 a.m.

December 22nd, 2020

Tonight on The Caramel Conservative:

Wow! How does a Bill that is over 5,000 pages long get voted on affirmatively after given 2 hours to review it? Who’s electing these people?

With so much material let’s get into it!!!

All of this and more tonight on this LIVE episode of The Caramel Conservative Podcast! Interactive Chat Room will be up and running and with any luck so will the LIVE Call In Number at 920-376-9400. We want to hear from you and get your take on what’s going on.

#Biden #Election2020 #CoronaVerse #Contested #CivilUnrest #Fraud #Lockdown #Draconian #Corruption #Vaccine #Omnibus #PopCorn #EnjoyTheShow #Its2020Baby #WWG1WGA #Covid #MentalHealth #Heroes #ConstitutionalRights #Hearings #SuicidePrevention #Vaccine #Pork #GovernmentWaste #VetoTheBill #Veto

The Caramel Conservative Podcast is a no holds barred, no B.S. take on current events and politics in the United States with a great mixture of sarcasm and humor from a very right of center perspective tempered with common sense.

Ed Delgado, the host of The Caramel Conservative Podcast, has long been interested in American politics and giving his opinions on that and other current events of the day. Rarely is anything ever held back and everything is fair game. Taking on all topics with out of the box thinking, wit, humor, and a hint of sarcasm.

Learning More About
The Caramel Conservative
Website: www.plusultramedia.com
Contact: edelgado@plusultramedia.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheCaramelConservativePodcast/
Spreaker Podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/show/shooting-the-s
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3RXDkUKUALAd_TgnZBd9Rg/
LBRY.TV https://lbry.tv/@S.T.S.:4
MINDS: https://www.minds.com/thecaramelconservative/
MeWe: https://mewe.com/i/eddelgado3