'BradCast' 8/21/2020 (2020 DNC Week-in-Review with Salon's Digby, PressRun's Eric Boehlert)

Published: Aug. 22, 2020, 12:06 a.m.

b"On today's 'BradCast':\\xa0 A bunch of longtime, cynical, dyed-in-the-wool progressive political journalists all seem to be largely in agreement today. The 2020 Democratic National Convention -- which, one week ago, nobody had any clue what it would look like -- was a stunning success on several surprising levels, including acceptance speeches from the Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates that exceeded expectations.\\xa0 It was an often stark and somber week of uncut, commercial-free, two-hour-a-night politicking that had to be invented from scratch due to the pandemic. The result was a remarkably cohesive and often moving narrative, according to our guests today, HEATHER 'DIGBY' PARTON, opinion journalist at Salon and Hullabaloo, and longtime progressive media critic ERIC BOEHLERT of PressRun.\\xa0 The Democrats appear to have successfully framed an epic -- and easy to understand -- election match-up featuring the nicest guy in the nation versus the meanest. But will that be enough to defeat Trumpism, voter suppression, and ongoing chaos amid a crippling pandemic and knee-capped economy? Will a platform touted as 'the most progressive' ever to be embraced by 'any Democratic presidential nominee in half a century' appeal to independents and disaffected Republican voters, while still retaining the support of the party's progressive wing? And how will Republicans counter the Democrats' carefully crafted story-telling with their own presentation next week?\\xa0 We discuss those questions and much more today in our special week-in-review coverage of the 2020 DNC..."