'BradCast' 2/7/2018 (Guest: Jess Hanson of National Immigration Law Center)

Published: Feb. 8, 2018, 1:43 a.m.

b"U.S. Senate leaders announced a deal on Wednesday to avoid a government shutdown. If adopted by both chambers of Congress, it would increase both military and domestic spending by some $300 billion, contrary to Republicans' strong objection to deficit spending when Democrats are in charge. The deal does not include protection for "Dreamers", DACA recipients who now face mass deportation as early as March 5 due to Trump's arbitrary reversal of the program. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) delivered a record 8-hour marathon speech to get House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) to commit to hold a vote on immigration issues and DACA. JESS HANSON of the National Immigration Law Center explains recent federal court rulings to protect "Dreamers" from deportation, the rise of white nativism in the GOP, and Trump's lies about legal immigration policies. Also: Encouraging election news for Democrats as another another state legislative seat has flipped from "red" to "blue,\\u201d this time in Missouri. Less good news for Republicans: in Illinois, an actual member of the American Nazi party is set to be the GOP's nominee for a U.S. House seat. A record number of scientists are now lined up to run for office in 2018, on the state, local and federal level, in response to the Trump Administration and GOP's anti-science positions."