'BradCast' 11/9/2015 (Douglas 'Gyrocopter Guy' Hughes on his felony plea deal)

Published: Nov. 10, 2015, 12:49 a.m.

b"Today on 'The BradCast': Taking on the powerful with effective protest. Or, as our guest Douglas Hughes, who landed his gyrocopter at the U.S. Capitol last spring to bring attention to the outrage of money in politics, describes it: 'Stomping on the dragon's tail'.\\xa0 First, success at the University of Missouri after African-Americans on the football players used their power to collectively support student protesters in their successful bid to force President Tim Wolfe to resign amidst a series of racially incidents on Columbia, MO campus. Then, Doug Hughes, the (now former) Florida postal worker, joins us to discuss the felony plea deal he has agreed to make after his civil disobedience arrest on six charges in his effort to bring attention to the desperate need for campaign finance reform. We had him on earlier this year and are happy to see him return for this very important update in his case. Finally, it's wingnut v. wingnut over on Fox 'News'! Get out your popcorn..."