'BradCast' 10/12/2016 (Washington Monthly's David Atkins on Clinton speech transcripts released by WikiLeaks)

Published: Oct. 12, 2016, 11:42 p.m.

b"WikiLeaks has been releasing thousands of hacked, private emails to and from Hillary Clinton campaign chief John Podesta. Included among them are partial transcripts of Clinton's paid speeches to groups like Goldman Sachs and others before she became a candidate.\\xa0 One of those transcripts was cited by Donald Trump during the 2nd Presidential debate. But did he tell the truth about it? Did she? Does anything in the transcripts live up to the 'outrage' that corporate media and Clinton opponents have suggested? David Atkins of Washington Monthly describes those transcripts as 'problematic' and joins us today to explain why. Also today: Trump misinforms his own supporters about the date of the election; the GOP Veep nominee Mike Pence does something not-horrible and we laud him for it, even though he can't help but lie to his supporters about 'voter fraud' at the same time. Finally, has Election 2016 hit 'rock bottom' yet? Evidence suggests we may not even be close..."