#73 - Are we all doomed? It's debatable.

Published: Oct. 12, 2020, 5:58 p.m.


Presidential debates, POTUS has COVID-19, Regal is shutting down for the year, and 2020 still has 2.5 months to go. Will this all end when the clock strikes midnight on December 31st? We all hope so, but if not we will still be here to talk about it with ya\\u2019ll. So much was said, so much was hypothesized, and so many shower thoughts were laughed at.

If you like the music check out the artist here: theearthonfire

Intro song links: Spotify Apple Music

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Links discussed in episode:

WE\'RE ALL DOOMED - Trump vs. Biden ft. "Weird Al" Yankovic

Trump Just Exposed Secret Service to COVID-19 to Do a Drive-By for MAGA Supporters

Walter Reed Attending Physician Calls Trump\'s Brief Drive-By \'Political Theater\' And \'Insanity\'

Regal Cinemas Parent Cineworld to Close All Theaters in US and UK

Q & A with \'Alaskans for Better Elections\' about Ballot Measure 2 which would end Dark Money spending, return Alaska to a single ballot open primary, and implement Ranked Choice Voting for the general election. \\u2022 r/AlaskaPolitics

California\'s Bay Area may require telecommuting, even after the pandemic wanes. A proposal would have employees at large companies working remotely three days a week, even after the pandemic, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

President Donald Trump says he has tested positive for coronavirus

Apple sues recycling partner for reselling more than 100,000 iPhones, iPads, and Watches it was hired to dismantle

Arm wants to obliterate Intel and AMD with gigantic 192-core CPU

Apple Silicon Arm Macs: Coming in Late 2020


TIL in several Chinese cities, there is a service called "jam-busting". Drivers in traffic jams who need to get somewhere urgently call for a couple of people to show up on a motorbike. One stays with your car, and the other puts you on the back of the bike, and blasts off through and around the jam

TIL an outbreak of the common cold occurred at an Antarctic base after seventeen weeks of complete isolation

TIL 18 to 25 percent of people sneeze when they look at a bright light. This is called ACHOO Syndrome. A-choo!

TIL: In Japan, condemned prisoners are not told their date of execution and only informed on the morning of their execution.

Shower Thoughts:

Saying \\u201cstep on the gas\\u201d will eventually become as detached from what\\u2019s really happening as the \\u201cfloppy disk save icon.\\u201d

It\\u2019s wild that we used to watch TV based on what was on and not by what we wanted to watch.

We all live in 4 timelines. What we think we\'re going to do. What we wish we were going to do. What we actually do. And what people expect us to do.

Perhaps all the oil we constantly extract from the planet was keeping the insides lubricated and earthquake free

Jello isn\\u2019t technically boneless

Our solar system revolves around the center of the milky-way in 240 million years. Therefore, the dinosaurs lived on the other side of our galaxy.

Normally the floor is what stops gravity from killing us, but if we get too far from it, gravity uses the floor to kill us.

The most futuristic thing in the Star Wars universe is probably that planets are always seen as one unity and not hundreds of countries.

City people think country people all talk funny and have guns. Country people think city people all talk funny and have guns.

"Twister" doesn\'t get enough credit for being the only mainstream party game that lets you have a fully-clothed orgy with your friends.
