5 Major Reasons Why Traders Keep Losing Money In The Markets

Published: Jan. 19, 2019, 12:03 p.m.

b"Failure is one word which is frowned upon in our society a lot. It is always linked to the lack of ability of the person who has failed, often criticising the person and not the failure. Laying blame on the individual has caused a fear to set in the minds of people about failing. This is keeping them from exploring and starting new things. And this may come as a shock to you but this attitude towards failure keeps people from learning...\\n\\nThis problem is very severe in the extremely competitive industry like trading. Trading is a game of chances and there are bound to be losses, you can't avoid them. If that is your plan to avoid losses in trading you might as well pick up a different profession.\\n\\nRead blog here - https://www.deanmarketprofile.com/2018/12/five-major-reasons-why-traders-keep-losing-money-in-the-markets.html"