Thriving School Culture and being a BOSS Educator with Dr. LaQuanta Nelson

Published: March 12, 2023, 10 a.m.

Today I am joined by Dr. LaQuanta Nelson. Over the last 20 years she has served in education as a teacher, assistant principal, principal, mentor, district level New Teacher Coordinator, motivational speaker, and consultant.  She currently serves  scholars and all educators on their journey to become Bold, Optimistic, Spontaneous, and Substantial.  Over the years, Dr. Nelson’s background and experience in leadership has helped her to transform underperforming schools in her state, support culture transformations in schools across the United States, and help curate thriving cultures in organizations across multiple spectrums of business.

As the product of a single mother living in poverty, Dr. Nelson completely understands the dire importance of the work that must be done in schools that directly support children from underserved backgrounds and that of black and brown students.  

Topics covered in this episode:
1. It’s important that we cultivate cultures that are thriving so that every single person that walks through the door they feel seen, valued, and heard.
2. All of us need to feel seen
3. Research shows that we can be extremely stressed and extremely grateful at the same time
4. Creating positive cultures is all about helping others know who they are and helping them understand the amazing limitless possibilities that are there for them.
5. Building relationships are created through micro interactions at a time.
6. Small things have an amazing impact on the culture of the building.
7. Do you know who you’re in the building with.
8. We can’t affirm others if we don’t see them. 
9. We should have collective efficacy
10. Game day is every day and we are all on the same team to win.
11. You have the courage to be vulnerable
12.  How are you intentionally make opportunities for your students
13. You have to be present to appreciate the moment
14.  You have to be very specific about your goals
15. What are you celebrating.
16. Make sure that you are celebrate academic effort.
17. Be Bold - show up as your truest most authentic self. 
18. Advocate for your students. 
19. If you help people feel value, seen, and heard they will be willing to share what they see.
20. Be optimistic - negativity is dead weight.
21. When we train our brains to be more positive we can become 31 percent more productive and  creative.
22. Be spontaneous - the brain responds to novelty.
23. Substantial - fill your days. Be intentional with how I move, what I do.
24. How well do you know your students? 
25. The more of a person you truly see the more authentic connections you truly can hove.
26. If you are only leaning into the bad and leading into the negative that all we will see. 
27. Celebrate failing forward - what are we learning around the way.
28. Life is too long and too short to do anything that doesn’t make your heart smile. 
29. Book recommendations - Principal Kafele - Equilty Social Justice - Jon Gordon - The Power of a Positive Team
30. Energy is contagious. What is the energy that you are giving others today. 

Connect with Dr. Nelson:
Twitter: @DrLMNelson
Facebook: The BOSS Educator