Seeing Strengths, 8 Pillars of Belonging, and Making Americans with Jessica Lander

Published: Jan. 15, 2023, 10 a.m.

In this conversation Jessica Lander discusses educating immigrant and refugee students. We talk about her book Making Americans that is a wonderful book about the  exploration of immigrant education across the country. She talks about seeing these students for their energy, talents, and drive. Jessica discusses the lessons she learned from traveling around the country and meeting innovative schools who are leading the way in innovation for these students. The tips and knowledge that Jessica shares during this interview is something that is not limited to students who are new to the United States. The principles that she discusses is something that all students would benefit from. 

Topics discussed:
1.Think about the different strengths, gifts, and perspectives that the students bring.
2. Don’t lower standards and expectations for students. Keep high expectations
3. Sometimes we sell students short because we can associate language acquisition with intelligence.
4. Think thoughtfully and intentionally how you support immigrant students.
5. If we are serious about reimagining immigrant education we have to ask the young people who are attending out schools about what they need. 
6.How can schools foster a strong sense of belonging where students feel that this is their home and they can build a future there.
7.Schools need to think about how can we create a sense of belonging
8.Eight pillars of belonging - opportunities for new beginnings, supportive communities, assurance of securing, chances to dream, committed advocates, recognition of students strengths, acceptance, opportunities for students to develop their voice.
9.Schools can be a community hub. Connect school to the community. 
10. Collaborate with community partnerships.
11.Global Village Project - the only school in US dedicated to refugee girls who have spent a lot of time outside of school.
12. Honor students identity
13. Bring laughter and joy into the classroom
14. Create a community that is supportive 
15. Family engagement is pivotal - seeing it as an equal partnership
16. When meeting with parents lead with questions. For example What are hopes and dreams for your kid? How can we build trusting relationships together? 
17. Recognize that students might come to school with different sorts of trauma
18. Trauma sensitive garden 
19. Use complex and interesting language.
20. Meet teacher where they are and help them with what they need.
21. Get students involved in action civics. 
22. Help them develop their skills to share their voices.
23. The way that we learn from each other is extremely powerful.
24. Learn from each other’s history
25. We Are America Project

Jessica Lander Bio:
Jessica Lander is an award-winning teacher, writer and author. She teaches history and civics to recent immigrant students in a Massachusetts public high school and has won numerous awards for her teaching, including being named a Top 50 Finalist for the Global Teacher Prize in 2021, presented by the Varkey Foundation and being named a MA Teacher of the Year Finalist in 2022, presented by the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Jessica writes frequently about education policy and teaching. She is the author of Making Americans: Stories of Historic Struggles, New Ideas, and Inspiration in Immigrant Education, a coauthor of Powerful Partnerships: A Teacher’s Guide to Engaging Families for Student Success and the author of Driving Backwards.

Making Americans
