Feedback, Classroom Culture, and Front Loading Skills with Dr. Rachel Cullen

Published: June 4, 2023, 9 a.m.

In this episode Dr. Rachel Cullen shares ways that we can make feedback more effective in our classrooms and how we can create a culture where the students seek out feedback. She discusses how to create a positive classroom culture and ways that we can front load skills to help students when they face adversity.

Topics covered.

  1. Make it clear to thee students that you love them more than you love the content area.
  2. Be authentic in what you do. 
  3. Engage with students that fit who you are. 
  4. Have a doodle board that the students can use before the class starts.
  5. Joy can be found in the simple things.
  6. Capturing Kids Hearts program
  7. Provide students opportunities to collaborate. 
  8. Give students feedback. Let them know what success looks like. 
  9. Create a culture where students can see that you are trying to set them up for success and they can see the steps to success. 
  10. Feedback is more effective when the teacher changes their perspective on it and the students change their perspective on it. 
  11. Feedback is a process towards success. 
  12. Be intentional about talking to your students about feedback and model how to accept it.
  13. Let students see you hear feedback, process it, ask about feedback that was given, and apply it. 
  14. When students see teachers accepting and utilizing feedback. 
  15. Students will see that the grade will come when they are focused on their feedback and learning and skills. 
  16. Model different skills and thank out loud. 
  17. Celebrate the process as well the outcome.
  18. The little things is what really makes relationships flourish.
  19. Make success visible. 
  20. Have students do a personal reflection where students reflect on their own skills as well as a mental health reflection.
  21. Let students see that you are excited over their success. Celebrate and affirm them to what they are doing in class. 
  22. Often times we may see the good that our students are doing, but we don’t always acknowledge.
  23. When you have relationships with the students you have an understanding of what that student needs in the moment.
  24. Front load skills - Discuss what happens when a tough moment happens. 
  25. Role play handling certain situations. 
  26. Journal - Write about what their worried about, what they are excited about.
  27. The unexpected is often what causes us to fumble. So prepare…. What are we going to do if ____________________, 
  28. Books - Flash Feedback by Mathew Johnson, The Count of Monte Crisco, The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to our Brains and The Glass Castle - How our Computers are Changing US
  29. It’s not relationships or rigor, it’s relationships and rigor.
  30. It’s not about the grades. It’s about the learning.

Connect:Instagram @ rachcullphd

Bio: Dr. Rachel Cullen is a high school English teacher in Colorado. Her teaching philosophy is rooted in building relationships with students while maintaining high expectations and being intentional about all elements of teaching from creating a positive classroom culture to providing meaningful feedback to her students. She brings the energy and enjoys being silly with her students. Outside of the classroom, Rachel is a wife, mother, and gymnastics coach.