Creativity, Technology, and Gratitude with Nikki Jones

Published: Feb. 5, 2023, 10 a.m.

In this episode I'm joined by Nikki Jones. She has been an educator for 16 years teaching 1st and 3rd grade and is currently and instructional technology coach. 
Nikki is passionate about using technology to challenge students to think critically, problem solve and be creative. In this conversation we explore taking risks, creativity, connecting and being inspired by learning communities, one point rubrics, gratitude practices, and so much more!

1. Choice and voice to empower students to share their learning that is best for them.
2. Microsoft Flip - extremely versatile and students can use it at any level
3. Middle of the year is a great time to rebuild those relationships especially coming off of break.
4. Whenever implementing new technology focus on three things that you want students to try. 
5. Single Point Rubric - There is one goal or one thing to create.
6. Use and borrow ideas that you see others doing. Make tweaks and make them your own.
7. Fear of failure holds people back.
8. Our littlest ones are ready to be creative and take chances and along the way it can get stifled out of them. 
9. Use technology to enhance instruction
10. Steal Like an Artist - People have great ideas 
11. Be on the look out for things that spark your ideas
12. Take one idea  that you’re looking at and turn it into multiple different designs
13. Teach students that if their first few ideas don’t work that’s alright. We take feedback and adjust.
14. Build resilience in your students.
15. Have a form of daily gratitude. Consider something like Flip to make nightly gratitude videos. 
16. Take risks as an educator.
17. Model what gratitude looks like. 
18. Use Flip to create folders that you can keep throughout the year. 
19. Use social to connect with communities such as Microsoft Flip and Adobe team. 20. You don’t have to be the smartest person in the room. Be around others that spark your creativity.
21. Take risk and try at least one thing.
22. Don’t compare yourself to others and steal your joy.
23. Give yourself credit for the things that you are great at. 

Connect with Nikki: @mrsjones72812 on Twitter

Nikki's Bio:
Nikki Jones is an Instructional Technology Coach in Northern Virginia. Prior to moving into her current role where she supports K-5 with meaningful tech integration, she taught 1st and 3rd grades. Nikki has a master's degree in education and 16 years of experience using technology to challenge students to think critically, problem solve and be creative. To educate future-ready students Nikki focuses on creativity, STEAM and computer science! She is passionate about helping, inspiring and training educators to integrate technology in ways that are innovative, highly engaging and promote student choice, voice and creation. She works closely with staff members to help them build their technology skills and become more confident while integrating technology that empowers student learning! Nikki is a  Flip Student Voice Ambassador, a SMART Ambassador, Novel Effect Ambassador, Ozobot Certified Educator, Adobe Creative Educator Leader, Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert, HP Fellow in Cohort 4, Quizizz Game-Changer and Class Dojo Mentor.