Creating Successful Classrooms through Clarity and Expectations with Jeffrey Pax

Published: July 30, 2023, 9 a.m.

Today we are joined by Jeffrey Pax. He is a children’s author who has taught special ed pre-K and a middle school self-contained program. He lives in Savannah, GA and is also an Army Reservist. His picture book, The Rules, uses realistic behavior and natural consequences to teach kids that kindness is the way to get along at school, daycare, and everywhere else.

Topics Discussed:
1. Clarity of instruction and expectations is essential

2. When we don’t know what is expected of you it can lead to struggles.

3. Find different ways to communicate your expectations. 

4. Teachers have to prep students with expectations before different activities.

5. It’s important that we model behaviors.

6. Walk students through a thought process to handle behaviors. 

7. Have visual reminders for the students.

8. Adapt activities to meet students ability levels.

9. Meet students where they’re at. 

10. Book recommendations - The First Days of School by Harry and Rose Marie Wong, Mindset by Dr. Carol Dweck, Oh the Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss, and Saint George and the Dragon by Margaret Hodges.

11. Be Kind 

12. If you’re being kind then you’re not wrong. 

Facebook: Jeffrey Pax
Twitter: @jeffrey_pax

The Rules: