Two Pills Tips: Gallery Walk!

Published: Aug. 2, 2018, 4 a.m.

Gallery Walk! Resources: What: Use of white boards or large sticky notes posted around a room. Each sticky note/white board has a topic listed. As an example, a Gallery Walk could be used for teaching Antifungal Pharmacotherapy. Each sticky note would have a topic such as“Azoles”, “Echinocandins”, “Candida”, etc. I recommend having 5 or more sticky notes/topics for each Gallery Walk. How: Learners are divided into teams that can range from one student per team to 10 or more. Each team is assigned a topic/sticky note and given a unique color of marker. When the instructor says go, the team has a set time (usually 30 seconds to 1 minute) to write down everything they know about the topic on the sticky note in front of them. After the time is up, they rotate to the next sticky note and topic. They have to write down everything they know on that topic, but cannot repeat anything that another team has already written on that sticky note. Once all teams have rotated through all topics, the instructor walks to each sticky note and reads each statement aloud. The class then decides if the statement is accurate or not. If it is not accurate, the instructor will strike through it. The winning team is the one that has the most accurate statements, (as identified by the unique color of marker), in total across all topics. A non-competitive form of the Gallery Walk is to evaluate all statements and identify the top 3 statements that should be known about each topic. Students then have a more focused understanding of each topic. Who: Small or large groups, though smaller teams may be more effective Classroom or practice site When/Why: Goal of this strategy is to quickly assess the baseline knowledge that a learner has going into a lecture. While it could be used at the end of a lecture as a review of content recently taught, I prefer to use the Gallery Walk as a way to focus my teaching. By identifying the gaps in student knowledge, (such as subtopics rarely or never mentioned by any teams), and well understood areas (such as subtopics mentioned by all teams), the instructor can focus class time on information that may need clarification. Estimated classroom time: 15-20 minutes What topics: Almost any content Any topic that has clear subcategories/topics (I have also used with disease states such as diabetic ketoacidosis) Identified gaps and misinformation from previous clinical experience/education related to DKA Other: This active learning strategy, like many, requires the instructor to be comfortable with a small amount of chaos. Learners typically enjoy this game and become competitive. It also has quite a bit of noise with all of the teams rapidly discussing the topic. They also tend to respond with commentary regarding the accuracy of their statements on a topic (and when the instructor strikes through inaccurate ones). Gallery Walk was a success with heterogeneous groups of learners and could be an opportunity for interprofessional education and communication